Thursday, December 29, 2022

Time of Calm


Now the packaging has been sorted and thrown away, the last squeals of glee have been replaced by ordinary playful voices, the candy is almost gone and only thin slivers of mincemeat remain, the last-minute shopping is truly over and the last sweet chords of cherished songs have dimmed. Trees still glitter but are bereft of bulky, be-ribboned boxes; the frenetic repetition of celebratory music has shifted to a few favorites; dishes have been washed and stacked ‘til next year; visitors are packing to leave and crushing hugs are exchanged.

This week is like a long, calm exhale, isn’t it?

It signals a steady shift toward normalcy, an hour by hour return to working lives, to squabbling kids and tightened budgets.

But for now, this seven days between Christmas and New Year’s, we say farewell to the celebrations and prepare to greet something new with that eternal human optimism: maybe this year my ship will come in, my fortune will be made, my life will fill with joy.

May this week find you smiling more than grimacing, resting, gathering strength for the trials and celebrations ahead, and with every rich, slow breath, expanding your heart with hope.