On April 3, I completed another novel manuscript titled Big Edna and the Fae. I had been writing it by hand since March 2022.
It came to me as a dream image, with Big Edna and the Fae (fairy) standing beside each other. I knew that Edna was a ship’s captain who regularly sailed through a deadly stretch of water called the Horrorhound Straits.
When I began writing the first pages, Edna left a tavern to go to a back alley where, stupidly, she bought a slave who happened to be a Fairy.
I did not know immediately that the Fae in my dream was Edna’s slave. This is a slave story, I realized unhappily.
Anyway, it’s also a tale of buyer’s remorse, because Edna frets on every page about how dumb she was to buy an enslaved Fae.
It’s also a story of friendship, compassion, and grief.
In the climax, to my delight, there is not a great bloody battle, but a great big debate between Edna and the Fairy Council.
After finishing the first draft, I typed the manuscript, scene by scene, onto my computer, then put them all together for the final manuscript. I printed it and put it in a three-ring binder, and then on my shelf of completed works.
You can see the final product on my shelf in a pink three-ring binder.
One of my year's goals completed. Yay!
How are your goals doing? (This is not a test, I'm just curious.)
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