Monday, July 15, 2019

Holly Y Turns 65

Today, July 15, I turn 65 years old. I was born in the last century: 1954. Doesn't that seem like a really, really long time ago?

I feel compelled to journal publicly about my life right now and into the future (I hope!). I am okay with birthday parties, sort of okay with birthday surprises, mostly I want to be with friends on my birthday.

Next week I will have my first Medicare medical exam. Apparently this is a freebie: I pay nothing and they talk to me about everything. Seriously …. everything?

It's as though they make a blueprint of me, my overall health, at this exact moment in time. Then they can refer back to it as I age.

That's correct:  I am aging. I am -- according to our culture -- aged, elderly, of a "certain" age.

I'm not writing about my education goals, my career, my kids being born. All that is behind me. I'm writing about the next, and last, 30+ years of my life.

I am writing because I can't believe how lucky I am to have lived so long in the first place, to live into another whole century (In high school we were assured that this century would never arrive because the Earth would collapse.), and to use a computer with confidence and competence.

The news is filled with so much negativity, that I decided to do my part to challenge that by writing about my aging life with, I hope, some degree of joy.  

By now, you're probably wondering about the title of my blog. Stop by next Monday to find out.  

Have a lovely week, whatever your age!

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