Monday, November 11, 2019

Why We Have Chickens

If you've ever stopped by my web page ( you'll notice that chickens play a role in my life: a troublesome role, but beloved.

So why do I put up these flower-destroyers? Why have chickens at our house, at all?

Having chickens is not the norm – at least not in the year 2019.

Having chickens used to be very common. Historically, almost every household had a few chickens.
chickens in our front yard


For the same reason we have chickens: because chickens lay eggs.

As long as we have a small flock of healthy chickens, we get eggs every day.

Having eggs in the refrigerator makes us feel like we always have a little food. No matter what happens in the world, we won't go hungry. We may get REALLY tired of eggs, but we won't go hungry.
a sample collection of eggs

Always having food, even if it's lowly eggs, makes us feel healthy, rich, and free from hunger.

Eggs are one reason  we have chickens.

chickens eating cottage cheese
Another reason is that chickens eat our table scraps. They are omnivorous – meaning they'll eat anything, -- and they're scavengers – meaning they'll eat anything dead on the road.

Landfills are filled with food that people throw out. We don't send any food at all to landfills. We toss all our leftovers, even from restaurants, into our yard for the chickens.

Another reason  we have chickens, is that they eat bugs and weeds. Controlling weeds around our house helps prevent fire. And eating bugs, well, we're glad to have fewer bugs in our lives – that's all.

Our chickens are like pets to us. We feed them, talk to them, care for them. We don't butcher them (although we should if we were very good to the planet). We let them "free range", meaning they can walk around all over the place, pooping everywhere – which is good for grass, but kinda gross.

Anything I've missed? Do you have chickens? What are the reasons you have chickens? Would you like to begin a flock of your own? (I have some that eat flowers, that you could get very cheap from me.)

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