Monday, December 16, 2019

Firece Optimism Decking the Halls

I'm not gonna lie, I love this time of year for the music. I know the melodies, the words, the sentiment. I enjoy variations on the old standard tunes, but I also love the Bing Crosby versions.
Oh heck, honestly, I love this time of year. I love the cheerfulness, the hopefulness, the optimism. It's the time of year when I am not insulted by someone for being an optimist.
What is it about optimism that gives the impression of placid, passive, non-resistant? An optimistic  person  probably won't stand up for themselves, is gullible, is an easy mark for a scam.
I am optimistic, and I don't have these qualities. I am energetic, active, resistant.
I resist new ideas, such as voting by mail. Maybe I want us to suffer a little, but standing in line to vote seems like a fair sacrifice for the privilege. Plus, I saw neighbors in line and we caught up on the news of ourselves every two years. Nice.
But I often welcome new technology, such as cell phones. Remember when cell phones could take pictures? Wow! Exciting! Now, as we know, they can almost drive our cars. I confess, I'm resistant to that idea.
Though optimistic, I frequently stand up for myself. Especially on behalf of optimism. But also to keep my place in line at the grocery store, to check an order carefully to make sure I received all that I ordered – and to seek satisfaction if not – or to challenge the doctor about taking medicine that I feel uncomfortable about.
Optimism does not mean gullible. I've been scammed a few times in my life, but I try to learn from those incidents so I'll be more careful, more thoughtful, take more time when a terrific offer comes to me.
In fact, though optimistic about today's world, I am well aware of man's unkindness to mankind. Everyone is capable of hurting their loved ones, of stealing, even of killing. In my world view, no one can be trusted completely. Every single person I know, or know of, is capable of betraying me and breaking my heart.
But here is the pathway of optimism: I love people anyway. I develop close friendships, assist acquaintances when they may run off with my help or my cash, and give food to the food bank even though they may be feeding the same challenging family day after day.
I try to do good anyway.
Although my efforts may be useless or even lead to dire consequences, I try.
Every day I try to do good.
The world is better than ever and my tiny efforts will multiply that good.
Being optimistic means being active, forthright, and open-hearted. It ain't easy. Frequently, I am defensive, fiercely protective of my optimism.
But I choose optimism anyway.
Can you tell?  :)))
Also, this time of year, I can hum, or sing loudly, Deck the Halls with Bows of Holly without reproof. Joy!!!

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